Country Living in St Albans              

St Albans is a handsome city and an attractive place to live, but few locals would describe the place as being in the country. Recent research by house-moving website Compare My Move takes a different view, placing St Albans second in its ranking of the top 50 Countryside Locations to Re-locate to across England and Wales. See: Compare My Move: Rural Locations

The Compare My Move survey looked at places as far apart as Devon and Northumberland, Kent and Greater Manchester, and Glamorgan and North Yorkshire, identifying six different indicators to come up with a comparative rating for each location. These were: average house price, median salary, average sunlight hours and rainfall, median download speed, and the number of restaurants. The scores placed St Albans second in their list, one percentage point behind Guildford and one point above Shere, both located in Surrey. Places listed below St Albans include Leamington Spa, Cheltenham, Bury St Edmunds and Alnwick.

The scores given to St Albans in each category were:

  1. average house price £559,240 (11th highest)
  2. median salary £34,101 (3rd highest)
  3. annual average sunlight hours 1585 (23rd highest)
  4. annual average rainfall 712mm (22nd highest)
  5. median download speed (Mbit/s) 59 (3rd fastest)
  6. number of restaurants 253 (3rd most numerous)

Local residents might also wish to highlight the variety of pubs and bars, easy commuting by road and rail, excellent local schools, the number of local theatres, cinemas, arts venues and museums, as well as the parks, green spaces and access to the countryside we enjoy.

The coronavirus lockdowns have encouraged big city-dwellers to take a hard look at their lifestyle, with many now regarding the suburbs or farther afield as their ideal place to live. So don’t be surprised to discover that your new neighbours, decked out in Barbour jackets and Hunter wellies, have moved out of London to sample the best of what country living has to offer, even here in the city of St Albans.

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